The MAS in Sleep Medicine is based on a Cooperation between University of Bern, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) with Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC) and Inselspital, Bern University Hospital and with the support of the European Sleep Foundation (ESF).
Strategic Committee

- Name / Titel
- Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Bassetti
- Funktion
- Chair of the Programme, Dean of the Medical Faculty University of Bern, President European Sleep Foundation

- Name / Titel
- Prof. Dr. med. Giovanni Pedrazzini
- Funktion
- Dean of the Biomedical Faculty of the Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
Programme Committee

- Name / Titel
- Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Bassetti
- Funktion
- Chair of the Programme, Dean of the Medical Faculty University of Bern, President European Sleep Foundation

- Name / Titel
- Prof. Dr. med. Mauro Manconi
- Funktion
- Vice Chair of the Programme, Head of the Service at the Sleep and Epilepsy Centre of the Neurocentro della Svizzera italiana, Lugano

- Name / Titel
- Prof. Dr. Antoine Adamantidis
- Funktion
- Member of the Programme Committee, Professor of System Neurophysiology (Extraordinarius), Director of Center for Experimental Neurology (ZEN), University of Bern

- Name / Titel
- PD Dr. Carolina Gutierrez Herrera
- Funktion
- Member of the Programme Committee, Principal investigator at Center for Experimental Neurology (ZEN), University Hospital of Bern

- Name / Titel
- Dr. med. Anna Castelnovo
- Funktion
- Member of the Programme Committee, Psychiatrist, Neurocentro della Svizzera italiana, Lugano

- Name / Titel
- Dr. Livia Fregolente
- Funktion
- Member of the Programme Committee, Attending Physician, University Hospital of Bern
MAS Office

- Name / Titel
- Felicitas Sohm
- Funktion
- Director of Studies, MAS in Sleep Medicine, University Hospital of Bern